Academics and Extracurricular Activites

Generally, students who participate in extracurricular activities benefit academically. There are some extracurricular activities that they will enjoy and others that will not fit their taste and personality. Parents need to determine where their child's interests and abilities lie and allow them to participate in those, if they choose.

Participating in such activities has the potential of benefiting the child in more than simply an academic sense-it also aids them in developing social skills, life skills, and talents.

Extracurricular activities serve a large purpose in the academic, social, physical, and cognitive development of children.  These activities, however, should be directed toward improving their development (not winning and losing) and should involve some mental and/or physical ability.

Parents have a large role in the academic development of their children, and one way of fostering strong academic performance is by encouraging their young children to become involved in some of the activities which promote academic performance. This could influence their activity choices later on in life and may set the foundation for a life of academic success and progress.

The following are some of the ways extracurricular activities can help young children.


The epidemic of childhood obesity is a potentially devastating experience. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention estimated that the incidence of childhood obesity had tripled in the United States between 1978 and 2008. Children are not getting enough exercise, and many are content to stay inside, play video games and eat junk food. Playing organized youth sports gives youngsters the opportunity to get exercise and develop the habits that lead to good health throughout their life.

Work Ethic

One of the best things about playing youth sports is the concept of work ethic. Youngsters can easily see for themselves that when they concentrate and work hard in practice, they can get better at their chosen sport.  This is another concept that translates to other areas such as school work and career choices later in life.


Players who play team sports often develop friendships with the players who are on their team. The shared experiences of playing the game and enjoying time together often bonds players for many years. Playing sports together gives teammates the opportunity to talk with each other about games played and things learned in practice.


Many times children are looking for things to do in order to have fun. Many times, children who don't have organized activities might find they have idle time and they get themselves into trouble. Playing organized sports not only keeps children out of trouble, but it also gives them an opportunity to have fun in a healthy manner.

Balance academics and activities:

Parents need to be sure children understand the importance of extracurricular activities without letting their academic performance suffer.  Setting priorities such as getting homework completed, having time to study, and reading everyday should be established before children begin any extracurricular commitment.